Tag Archives | Barking


Dog Walking Etiquette

Just as some people neglect teaching their kids good etiquette when out inĀ  public, some dog owners neglect to teach their dog about good etiquette when they take their pup out for a walk. In fact, some dog owners fail to learn the simple ground rules of walking their dog for themselves, so how could […]

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Dog Behavior

There’s nothing more frustrating for many people than being greeted by an overly excited, barking, jumping, sniffing, licking dog when they arrive for a visit at a friend’s or family member’s home. It’s a sweet dog, who obviously means well, and is excited to see the “new friends”, but it’s a very uncomfortable feeling for […]

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Dog Etiquette

In a way, dogs are like children, they are wonderful, but they can be offensive if they’re not taught proper etiquette (how to act and react when out in public)…they can be so offensive that people want to turn away when they see you coming. This is not the reaction you want to create.

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Dog Day Care

You think of your dog as a member of your family, mainly because he/she actually is, but more importantly, because you love him. That’s why when you need to leave him alone for several hours on a daily or regular basis, you feel guilty. Why?

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Barking Dog - BowWow Fun Towne

Barking Dog

It never fails…if the doorbell rings, if a neighbor walks down the street, if you let him/her outside, if you leave the house, and many other “ifs” too numerous to mention…the dog starts barking. Noisy dogs have started many neighborhood disputes that cause

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