Tag Archives | Dogs Home Alone


Bored Dog

What is going on with your dog? All of a sudden he/she has become destructive, chewing up shoes or other household items that were previously left alone, digging up your flower beds, barking unnecessarily, whining, licking excessively, pacing and seeming restless. This is not your dog’s typical behavior patterns…maybe he’s just plain bored.

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Dog Behaviors

Your dog does what? Because why? Over the years, many false assumptions have been made by dog owners about why dogs behave the way they do…and because your dog doesn’t “talk human”, you can only guess what he/she means when he behaves a certain way. So, you believe what you’ve heard from other dog owners, […]

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Dog Home Alone - BowWow Fun Towne

Home Alone Dog

Have you ever wondered what goes on at home while you’re away? Do you think your dog just lays around, chews on his “tug” toy and patiently awaits your return? That’s probably not what’s happening!

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