Archive | Dog Health


Dog Gets Car Sick

Most dog owners love taking their dog on outings in the car with them, and most dogs get pretty excited when they are invited into the vehicle. For the greatest majority of dogs, rides in the car is not a problem, but for about 1 out of every 5 dogs, it means car sickness. This […]

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Successful Visits to the Veterinarian

You take Fido to the Veterinarian for a few different reasons, routine checkups, to prevent health issues, or to treat health issues. These visits, even the routine checkups, aren’t always easy, for you or your dog, in fact, it can be stressful. Here are a few ideas to make those visits less stressful and more […]

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Itchy Scratchy Dogs

All dogs (like humans) itch and scratch periodically, it’s a very normal behavior. But when the scratching becomes constant, it’s time to take notice and find out what is going on with Fido. It may take a little detective work, because there are a number of things that may be irritating your dog’s skin…

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Senior Dog Care

It happens for dogs just as it happens for humans…time marches on, we age, we become senior citizens. And again, like humans, senior dogs may need special understanding and care. For dog owners, this can be a challenging time if you don’t know what to look for or how to care for them.

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