Grieving And Coping With The Loss of Your Dog
As They Cross Over the Rainbow Bridge

Mary & Maggie
It’s pretty amazing how we get so intertwined and connected with our dogs…Some may not understand the relationships that develop, but if you’re a dog owner, you know the place your pup holds in your heart.
It occurred to me a short while ago how many wonderful dogs that have become our friends at BowWow Fune Towne have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. So I posted on Facebook some of the fun pictures we had taken of them, and I’d like to post some of them here also.
It also occurred to me, as I just had my

Maggie make that journey a short time ago, how difficult it is to cope with that loss, and how we all grieve differently…so I thought I would like to offer a few ideas that might help your grieving process.
Coping with the grief…
- The first thing you can do for yourself is remember, not everyone has lost a beloved dog, so allow yourself to grieve, even though there may be those who don’t understand how you feel and may try to tell you that he/she was just a pet, so you should move on.
It can be very helpful to visit with someone who has gone through what you’re going through.
- You may want to hold a funeral or memorial service for your “best friend”. It feels like closure when a human friend or family member passes…a time to begin moving forward.
- You might want to consider a pet cemetary or scattering his ashes in a place he loved to run
Create a remembrance such as:
- Putting a photo album, shadow box or scrapbook together
- Planting a special tree that you can watch grow in their honor, or buying or creating a garden stone that has his name on it.
- Another nice idea is to use their food or water bowl as a planter in the garden.
- Have a picture (photo) of your dog put on a blanket.
- You may want to consider adopting another dog…although if it’s too soon, if you’d just like to be around dogs, there might be some volunteer work you can do at a local shelter or rescue.
Some people name a star after their dog, or make a donation to an animal organization.
No matter how you grieve or try to cope, it’s not wrong.
Here is a link for a Free download of the poem Rainbow Bridge
At BowWow Fun Towne, dogs are our business, and our friends.
We are experts in dog day care – We are starting a Puppy Preschool…it will be great to enroll your pup! Our facility features a full size swimming pool for fun and exercise.
We take their safety seriously and are dedicated to assisting you and providing the best care for your dog while you’re away.


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