Tag Archives | Dog Walking


Dog Walking Etiquette

Just as some people neglect teaching their kids good etiquette when out inĀ  public, some dog owners neglect to teach their dog about good etiquette when they take their pup out for a walk. In fact, some dog owners fail to learn the simple ground rules of walking their dog for themselves, so how could […]

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Stop Dog Digging

Does your backyard look like a war zone with holes everywhere? Although it won’t make you feel any better to know that you’re not alone…dog owners everywhere are living in a similar war zone to yours.

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Winter Dog Care

Many dog owners are misled by the idea that because dogs have a “built-in coat”, there is nothing they need to do to take care of Fido during the cold winter months. But nothing could be further from the truth. Because your dog can’t look out for his own best interest and welfare, he/she depends […]

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Dog Collars

Let’s talk about one of the key components to having a good walk with our dog…making sure you have the right collar for the right dog – no dog should be without one. Without a collar, where would you hang your dog’s licence and ID tags?

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Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog should be easy enough, just clip on the leash and off you go. Shouldn’t that be all there is to it? Believe it or not, there are right ways and there are wrong ways to walk you dog.

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