Tag Archives | Dog Socialization


Off Leash Dog Park Etiquette

Taking your pooch for an afternoon at the local off leash dog park can be a lot of fun….but there’s always the chance that someone will come, not only bringing their dog, but also bringing bad habits, inconsideration for others, and just plain bad dog park etiquette. Sometimes these condition can even lead to injuries.

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Dog Behaviors

Your dog does what? Because why? Over the years, many false assumptions have been made by dog owners about why dogs behave the way they do…and because your dog doesn’t “talk human”, you can only guess what he/she means when he behaves a certain way. So, you believe what you’ve heard from other dog owners, […]

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Dog Behavior

There’s nothing more frustrating for many people than being greeted by an overly excited, barking, jumping, sniffing, licking dog when they arrive for a visit at a friend’s or family member’s home. It’s a sweet dog, who obviously means well, and is excited to see the “new friends”, but it’s a very uncomfortable feeling for […]

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Choosing Dog Trainer

Bringing a dog into our homes and families is a responsibility, we want them to be well behaved, friendly, well socialized and enjoyed by us, our family and friends…and they will be with a little training. We want great relationships with our dog. The problem is, many dog owners don’t

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