So your new puppy is teething…it is painful to him/her, and it can be painful to you if he starts gnawing on your new shoes or the legs of your chairs.
Dog Agression vs Playing
Dogs love to wrestle, play tug, growl, and chase each other…it’s how they have fun, but that can also look a lot like what they do when they are angry…can you tell whether they are having fun or whether they are exhibiting aggression?
Stressed Dog
Oh to live a dog’s life…no worries, no cares…What might surprise you is that just like people, dogs can experience stress in their lives – the difference is you won’t ever hear them tell you they are stressed, so how will you know?
Dogs and Holidays
Many people like including their dogs during the holiday festivities…and although this is a fun idea, there are some things that could prove hazardous to your “best friend”. As you look around your home, be aware of
Dog Scooting
Whether you have a dog or not, probably just about everyone has seen a dog scoot his/her bottom across the floor…and if its your dog, and you’re with someone, you’re probably a little embarrassed. But you shouldn’t be, you should recognize that it could indicate that your dog may have a problem…
Dog Breeds For Allergy Sufferers
You want a dog, but you’re allergic, so no dogs in your home! But, wait! There may be a breed of dog that won’t stir up your allergies…