Tag Archives | Dog Day Care


Dog Urine vs Your Lawn

Let’s face it…we love our dogs, but we certainly don’t like what they do to our lawns. Going “potty” on the lawn is turning it spotted brown – but what’s a dog gonna do? You can’t really expect them to stay off the lawn altogether.

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Dog Behaviors

Your dog does what? Because why? Over the years, many false assumptions have been made by dog owners about why dogs behave the way they do…and because your dog doesn’t “talk human”, you can only guess what he/she means when he behaves a certain way. So, you believe what you’ve heard from other dog owners, […]

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Dog Day Care

You think of your dog as a member of your family, mainly because he/she actually is, but more importantly, because you love him. That’s why when you need to leave him alone for several hours on a daily or regular basis, you feel guilty. Why?

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