Dog Poison Prevention

How to Protect Your Dog From Poisons

PreventDogPoisoning-BowWowFunTownePoison Prevention Week is March 17th – March 23rd, and has been typically observed during the 3rd week of March for 57 years, as proclaimed by President John F. Kennedy in 1962. It’s goal is to prevent unintentional poisoning by raising awareness of the many ways it can be prevented. Poisoning is the leading cause of injury-related deaths in humans in the United States.

While we can raise our children’s awareness of poisons and things to stay away from, we can’t do the same for our pets, and they are not immune to poisoning…it’s up to pet owners to make our homes safer. The ASPCA  Animal Poison Control Center reported that in 2017 they handled over 199,000 calls from pet owners relating to poisoning, with vet treatment costing as much as $950.

When we think of a dog or cat being poisoned, many of us think of a malicious neighbor intentionally leaving something out to harm animals, when in fact the majority of pet poisonings are caused from everyday household items that haven’t been properly stored.

Household items that are poisonous to your dog:

MischeiviousDog.BoWowFunTowneAlthough some of these things don’t seem particularly noxious, and maybe for humans they’re not, but for your dog they can be toxic, making them very ill, or they can even be fatal.

It’s amazing what your dog can get into!

  • Chocolate, especially dark chocolate
  • Raisins and grapes, although they may seem safe can cause kidney damage
  • Over the counter pain relievers such as Advil and Aleve contain an ingredient called NSAIDS (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) can cause kidney failure and stomach ulcers. Also allergy, cold and cough medicines. If your dog isn’t feeling well, never give him human medicines.
  • Children’s gummy vitamins have a, toxic for dogs, artificial sweetener in them called xylitol
  • Many people think it’s funny to give a dog peanut butter and watch them eat it, but peanut butter also has the toxic artificial sweeter called xylitol in it
  • Perscription medications such as anti-depressants and ADD/ADHD medications can be fatal
  • Rat and Mouse poisons can cause internal bleeding
  • While there are some insecticides that may be tolerated by your dog, there are many that aren’t and can be life-threatening
  • Ingested batteries can cause serious internal burns…for some reason, some dogs like to chew on batteries. A dog named Buddy loves to get squeek toys and will chew on them until the squeeker comes out…what if the toys had batteries in them?
  • Trash cans can be a virtual storehouse of toxic substances…old moldy foods, cigarette butts, bones, coffee gounds, etc.
  • Some glues have a tendancy to expand oce eaten and may require surgery
  • Because anti-freeze has a sweet taste to it, it is very appealing to Fido, but it’s very toxic also
  • Outdoor poisons and fertilizers are harmful and should be kept tightly sealed
  • Products with nicotine can cause your dog’s heart to speed up and cause him to collapse or even die
  • Household cleaning products or chemicals can prove fatal
  • Some dogs like to chew on grass and leaves….household plants and some outdoor plants are very poisonous.

Dog Poisoning Symptoms

ProtectDogFromPoisons-BowWowFunTowneBecause there are so many things that your dog can ingest, it’s hard to pinpoint what symptoms you should watch out for, but here is a basic list:

  • Bloody stools or urine or unable to urinate
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Lethargy or lack of appetite
  • Bruising or bloody noses

If you suspect your dog has been poisoned, intentionally or accidentally, call your vet immediately, sometimes there is no time to spare.

At BowWow Fun Towne, dogs are our business, and our friends.

We are experts in dog day care – We are starting a Puppy Preschool…it will be great to enroll your pup! Our facility features a full size swimming pool for fun and exercise.

We take their safety seriously and are dedicated to assisting you and providing the best care for your dog while you’re away.

Contact us today

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