Tag Archives | Toxic for Dogs


Dog Hiking

The minute Spring and Summer weather hits, for many people it’s time to get outside and go on a hike – get some good exercise, get some fresh air, and enjoy the scenery…If your’re not already taking your dog with you, I’ll bet he/she would love it just as much as you do. But before […]

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Dog Poison Prevention

While we can raise our children’s awareness of poisons and things to stay away from, we can’t do the same for our pets, and they are not immune to poisoning…it’s up to pet owners to make our homes safer. Here are some things to watch for and make sure they are taken care of properly.

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Winter Dog Care

Many dog owners are misled by the idea that because dogs have a “built-in coat”, there is nothing they need to do to take care of Fido during the cold winter months. But nothing could be further from the truth. Because your dog can’t look out for his own best interest and welfare, he/she depends […]

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Puppy Springtime Safety

For many of you, this isn’t the first time you’ve gotten a new puppy, but for many others it’s your first experience. Getting a new “best friend” comes with a lot of responsibility, and because you care, you will want to put safety at the top of your list. So, whether you’re a seasoned dog […]

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