Tag Archives | Training


Stop Dog Digging

Does your backyard look like a war zone with holes everywhere? Although it won’t make you feel any better to know that you’re not alone…dog owners everywhere are living in a similar war zone to yours.

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Dog Behavior

There’s nothing more frustrating for many people than being greeted by an overly excited, barking, jumping, sniffing, licking dog when they arrive for a visit at a friend’s or family member’s home. It’s a sweet dog, who obviously means well, and is excited to see the “new friends”, but it’s a very uncomfortable feeling for […]

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Socializing Puppies

So you have a new puppy in your home…how fun! This puppy will grow to be a very much enjoyed and loved part of your family. You will want your puppy to become a calm well adjusted dog that other people and dogs will enjoy as much as you do. This is an aspect of […]

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