Tag Archives | Dog Play


Off Leash Dog Park Etiquette

Taking your pooch for an afternoon at the local off leash dog park can be a lot of fun….but there’s always the chance that someone will come, not only bringing their dog, but also bringing bad habits, inconsideration for others, and just plain bad dog park etiquette. Sometimes these condition can even lead to injuries.

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Dogs Swimming

Swimming is a great activity for you and your dog…it’s fun, it’s great exercise and it helps cool you off during warmer weather. But will your dog need to be taught how to swim, or does it just come naturally?

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Dogs Playing

Sometimes it’s a bit difficult to tell if your dog, or any dog, is playing and having fun, or if they’re being aggressive and getting too rough. Do you break them up or let the activity continue? When dogs play, they rough house, it’s how they play with their humans as well as other dogs, […]

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