Archive | Dogs


Dog Poison Prevention

While we can raise our children’s awareness of poisons and things to stay away from, we can’t do the same for our pets, and they are not immune to poisoning…it’s up to pet owners to make our homes safer. Here are some things to watch for and make sure they are taken care of properly.

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Thanksgiving for Dogs

Just as it always does, Thanksgiving time is rolling around again, and everyone’s thoughts turn to the Thanksgiving Day celebrations, family time and feasts. And although your dog isn’t aware of the upcoming festivities he/she will quickly get on board once those wonderful smells of turkey dinner begin to fill the house. Should he be […]

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Halloween Dog Safety

It’s important to take safety measures with your dog at Halloween, because although dogs are fun to dress up, it feels safer taking your dog trick or treating (as long as your dog doesn’t get nervous or over excited), there’s all kinds of goodies left lying around the house, or because the noise and the […]

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Dog Commands-BowWowFunTowne

Dog Cues

There are all kinds of commands and tricks you can teach your dog, for instance…but It seems to me that it is most important, and safer for your dog to teach him/her basic obedience commands first, and then have fun teaching tricks. These commands are the foundation of having a well-trained dog…

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Dog Urine vs Your Lawn

Let’s face it…we love our dogs, but we certainly don’t like what they do to our lawns. Going “potty” on the lawn is turning it spotted brown – but what’s a dog gonna do? You can’t really expect them to stay off the lawn altogether.

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