Author Archive | MaryMark


Dog Behavior

There’s nothing more frustrating for many people than being greeted by an overly excited, barking, jumping, sniffing, licking dog when they arrive for a visit at a friend’s or family member’s home. It’s a sweet dog, who obviously means well, and is excited to see the “new friends”, but it’s a very uncomfortable feeling for […]

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Dog Toys

Playing with your dog is a fun part of having a dog, and your dog likes it too! But what about those times when you’re not available to play, or you dog isn’t asleep? What will he/she do then?

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Dog Collars

Let’s talk about one of the key components to having a good walk with our dog…making sure you have the right collar for the right dog – no dog should be without one. Without a collar, where would you hang your dog’s licence and ID tags?

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Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog should be easy enough, just clip on the leash and off you go. Shouldn’t that be all there is to it? Believe it or not, there are right ways and there are wrong ways to walk you dog.

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Dogs Swimming

Swimming is a great activity for you and your dog…it’s fun, it’s great exercise and it helps cool you off during warmer weather. But will your dog need to be taught how to swim, or does it just come naturally?

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