Tag Archives | Dog health


Dog Scooting

Whether you have a dog or not, probably just about everyone has seen a dog scoot his/her bottom across the floor…and if its your dog, and you’re with someone, you’re probably a little embarrassed. But you shouldn’t be, you should recognize that it could indicate that your dog may have a problem…

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Adopt Dog From Shelter

If you are ready to adopt a dog to share your home and life with…my advice would be to avoid pet stores who often get their dogs from puppy mills (which is a subject for another time), and remember, there are lots of dogs in shelters…lots of great dogs! What a great experience it can […]

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Thanksgiving for Dogs

Just as it always does, Thanksgiving time is rolling around again, and everyone’s thoughts turn to the Thanksgiving Day celebrations, family time and feasts. And although your dog isn’t aware of the upcoming festivities he/she will quickly get on board once those wonderful smells of turkey dinner begin to fill the house. Should he be […]

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Dog Arthritis Relief

It happens to all of us, humans and dogs alike…we all age…and with that aging process usually comes aches and pains as our bodies get older. Again, like humans, arthritis is a common condition that affects older dogs, in fact, the older they get the more likely it is for the pain to get worse. […]

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Itchy Scratchy Dogs

All dogs (like humans) itch and scratch periodically, it’s a very normal behavior. But when the scratching becomes constant, it’s time to take notice and find out what is going on with Fido. It may take a little detective work, because there are a number of things that may be irritating your dog’s skin…

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