Tag Archives | Aggressive Dogs


Stressed Dog

Oh to live a dog’s life…no worries, no cares…What might surprise you is that just like people, dogs can experience stress in their lives – the difference is you won’t ever hear them tell you they are stressed, so how will you know?

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Successful Visits to the Veterinarian

You take Fido to the Veterinarian for a few different reasons, routine checkups, to prevent health issues, or to treat health issues. These visits, even the routine checkups, aren’t always easy, for you or your dog, in fact, it can be stressful. Here are a few ideas to make those visits less stressful and more […]

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Dog Attacks

Unfortunately, not all dogs are created equally kind, gentle and obedient, and not all dog owners are created responsible. When your dog is about to be, or is attacked by another dog is a scary thing! Even if you see it coming, it happens so quickly there isn’t much time to react, and even if […]

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