Archive | Dog Behavior


Stressed Dog

Oh to live a dog’s life…no worries, no cares…What might surprise you is that just like people, dogs can experience stress in their lives – the difference is you won’t ever hear them tell you they are stressed, so how will you know?

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Dog Scooting

Whether you have a dog or not, probably just about everyone has seen a dog scoot his/her bottom across the floor…and if its your dog, and you’re with someone, you’re probably a little embarrassed. But you shouldn’t be, you should recognize that it could indicate that your dog may have a problem…

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Introduce a Dog and Cat

Maybe you already share your home with a dog, but you’d really like a cat too, or maybe it’s just the opposite…you already have a cat that allows you to live in your home, but you would also love to have a dog. Is it even possible to introduce one or the other and maintain […]

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Dog Walking Etiquette

Just as some people neglect teaching their kids good etiquette when out inĀ  public, some dog owners neglect to teach their dog about good etiquette when they take their pup out for a walk. In fact, some dog owners fail to learn the simple ground rules of walking their dog for themselves, so how could […]

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Dog Commands-BowWowFunTowne

Dog Cues

There are all kinds of commands and tricks you can teach your dog, for instance…but It seems to me that it is most important, and safer for your dog to teach him/her basic obedience commands first, and then have fun teaching tricks. These commands are the foundation of having a well-trained dog…

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