Author Archive | MaryMark


Stressed Dog

Oh to live a dog’s life…no worries, no cares…What might surprise you is that just like people, dogs can experience stress in their lives – the difference is you won’t ever hear them tell you they are stressed, so how will you know?

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Dogs and Holidays

Many people like including their dogs during the holiday festivities…and although this is a fun idea, there are some things that could prove hazardous to your “best friend”. As you look around your home, be aware of

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Dog Scooting

Whether you have a dog or not, probably just about everyone has seen a dog scoot his/her bottom across the floor…and if its your dog, and you’re with someone, you’re probably a little embarrassed. But you shouldn’t be, you should recognize that it could indicate that your dog may have a problem…

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Remove Dog Mats

Snarls, tangles, mats, knots…whatever you call them, they are ugly and difficult to deal with…and what’s even worse, they harbor fleas! So is there a secret to keeping your dog mat free?

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