Keep Your Dog Safe At Halloween
Once again it’s time for spooks, ghouls and goblins, trick or treating, parties and candy…wooooo, it’s Halloween!
There are many safety precautions that parents take with their kids at Halloween, such as:
trick or treating in groups
- trick or treating in neighborhoods you are comfortable with
- safety checking the candy before consumption
- some people have even gotten involved in a new tradition of either taking the kiddos to local businesses or participating in “trunk or treating”
It’s just as important to take safety measures with your dog at Halloween. Your dog can be fun to dress up, and take trick or treating with you… it just feels safer taking Fido along (as long as your dog doesn’t get nervous. over excited or over stimulated).
Because there are all kinds of goodies left lying around the house that aren’t safe for your dog to eat, or because the noise and the “ghouls” make your pup nervous, there is a need to make sure he is safe and feels secure.
So here are some safety tips for your dog at Halloween:
If your dog gets nervous with all the activities, provide him/her with a “safe ” (quiet) place during the night’s festivities.
- Whether you’re hosting a party or just answering the door bell, the noise of goblins yelling trick or treat, the noise of a party, or people in strange costumes can upset your dog.
- Halloween, like New Year’s Eve and the 4th of July, can be a very stressful night.
- Definitely don’t take Fido trick-or-treating if he is fearful.
- If all the excitement really makes him skittish, it might be a good idea to talk to your vet about an anti-anxiety prescription.
- Protect your dog from decorations that could be dangerous to him/her, or are hazardous to your home. People are decorating for Halloween more now than ever before, and while it’s fun and festive, if you have a dog, decorations could cause a problem.
- You certainly don’t want to leave Fido in a room with an accessible, burning candle.
- Keep things like glow sticks, fake eyeballs, fake cobwebs, and even pumpkins up out of their reach…too many dogs may want to taste them which can lead to choking, and upset tummy or poisoning.
Having a Halloween party? It’s best to keep your pup in his “safe spot” to protect him from the stress of loud noises and the temptation from others of sharing their sweets and treats.
- Even if your dog seems to be ok with the noise and the costumes, and the door opening and closing throughout the night, there is a chance he could escape, take off running and get lost. So make sure he is wearing his ID. Better yet, if there’s a chance of an escape, it’s easy to keep your dog home and safe by keeping him in his “safe spot”.
- Kids aren’t the only ones who like treats…your dog can sniff them out better than anyone.
- Make sure your kids understand the dangers of letting their “stash” be discovered by their dog. Teach them that gum, chocolate and other sweets can be a real problem if their dog discovers them and decides to eat them. Give them a safe, high place where their treats can be securely stored. Make it a really high place, maybe behind doors, because some dogs can be very determined when it comes to sweet treats.
- Chocolate is dangerous, possibly lethal for your dog…the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is because it has a higher percentage of cocoa in it. Chocolate has a compound in it that acts like caffeine which can cause heart rhythm problems, even seizures in your dog.
Like to dress Fido in a costume for Halloween?
- Be aware of his reaction to the costume, he may not think it’s as great as you do…don’t force him to do something he is not comfortable with. Pay attention to his body language, such things as his ears folded down, a tucked tail or walking hunched over, are sure signs of your dog’s disapproval.
- Choose their costumes carefully…
- Avoid masks, which not only will make them nervous, but can block their vision.
- Make sure costumes don’t restrict your dog’s movements or breathing, or his ability to go to the bathroom, eat, or get a drink.
- Be sure to never leave Fido alone in his costume…he could be ready to take it off and end up with pieces of it caught in his throat.
- Have some of your dog’s favorite treats on hand, as opposed to candy, they’re good for him, and could come in handy if one of his friends comes trick or treating to your home.