Dogs Dental Health

Why Your Dog’s Dental Health Is Important

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Rodger A. Caras

DogDentalHealth-BowWowFunTowneWhen we think about our dogs’ health, we usually focus on their diet, exercise, and regular vet visits. However, one very important aspect that frequently gets overlooked is their dental health.

Just like humans, dogs require proper dental care to maintain their overall well-being.

If you neglect your dog’s dental health, it can lead to serious health issues, impacting not only their mouth but also their entire body.

Why attention to your dog’s dental hygiene is so important…

  1. To Prevent Periodontal Disease – Periodontal disease is one of the most common issues in dogs. It affects over 80% of dogs over the age of three.
    • This disease starts with plaque buildup, which hardens into tartar. If left untreated, it can cause gum inflammation (gingivitis) and progress to more severe infections, tooth loss, and even bone damage.
    • What should you do…Regular brushing and professional cleanings can significantly reduce the risk of periodontal disease, and ensure that your dog’s teeth are strong and healthy.
  2. To Avoid Pain and Discomfort – Dogs are quite good at hiding pain, a trait that stems from their wild ancestors who needed to appear strong to survive.
    • This means your dog could be suffering from severe dental pain without showing obvious signs.
    • Infections, broken teeth, lost teeth and abscesses can cause your pup real discomfort.
    • What should you do…Regular vet check-ups can catch these issues early, and prevent your furry friend from having unnecessary pain, and at the same time, maintain their quality of life.
  3. AHealthyDog-BowWowFunTowneTo Maintain Overall Health – Poor dental health can cause far-reaching health issues beyond the mouth.
    • Bacteria from dental infections can enter the bloodstream and spread to vital organs, which includes the heart, liver, and kidneys.
    • This can lead to serious conditions such as endocarditis, which is a potentially fatal infection of the heart valves.
    • What should you do…Keep your dog’s mouth clean. You can help protect his entire body from the threat of dangerous infections.
  4. To Maintain A Healthy Appetite – A dog’s dental problems can make eating very painful, and lead to a decreased appetite and subsequent weight loss or malnutrition.
    • This is particularly concerning for older dogs or those with existing health issues.
    • What should you do…Ensure Fido’s teeth and gums are healthy, so he enjoys his meals without discomfort.
  5. To Promote Fresher Breath – While “dog breath” is often considered normal, excessively bad breath can be a sign of dental problems.
    • What should you do… Schedule regular check-ups for dental cleaning to help keep your dog’s breath fresh. Those affectionate doggy kisses will be much more pleasant. More importantly, fresh breath is often a sign of a healthy mouth.
  6. To Save Money in the Long Run –  Investing in your dog’s dental health can save you money over time.
    • What should you do…Preventative care, such as regular brushing, dental chews, and routine veterinary cleanings, is far less expensive than treating advanced dental diseases.
      • Addressing dental issues early can prevent the need for costly surgeries and treatments down the line.
  7. To Enhance the Bond With Your Pup – Caring for your dog’s dental health can also strengthen the bond between you and your best friend.
    1. What should you do…Brush his teeth regularly. It can become a positive interaction that your dog looks forward to, especially if it involves rewards and praise at the end.
      • This regular contact not only helps with dental care but also reinforces your relationship.

How to Maintain Your Dog’s Dental Health

  1. Regular Brushing: Use a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for dogs.
    • Set a goal to brush his teeth several times a week.
  2. DogDentalChews-BowWowFunTowneDental Chews and Toys: These can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup.
  3. Professional Cleanings: Regular veterinary dental cleanings are extremely important.
    • Your vet can catch and treat issues that aren’t visible to the untrained eye.
  4. Healthy Diet: Feed your dog a balanced diet that promotes good oral health.
    • Some dog foods are specifically formulated to reduce plaque and tartar.
  5. Routine Check-ups: Regular veterinary exams will help catch dental problems early before they become severe.

Your dog’s dental health is a vital part of his overall health and happiness. By prioritizing his oral hygiene, you can prevent numerous health issues, reduce pain and discomfort, and ensure he lives a longer, healthier life.

At BowWow Fun Towne, dogs are our business, and our friends, and we understand how important your dog is to you.

BowWow Fun Towne offers puppy socializing, in home training, and boarding options

We are experts in dog day care, we care about your dogs and take their health and well-being seriously. Our facility features a full size swimming pool for fun and exercise.

Contact us today


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