How Can You Travel Safely With Your Dog?
Have dog will travel…If you are a dog owner and a dog lover, you like having your dog with you whenever possible. That means not only at home and on your evening walks, but when you go to the park, the beach or even on vacation.
In order for your dog to accompany you (they like it as much as you do!), he/she will need to travel in the car.
Traveling with your pet requires a little planning on your part to insure that everyone has fun, is comfortable, free from stress and safe.
Tips for Pleasant Trips:
- If your dog has never traveled in a car, take him on a short drive to see how he reacts.
- Is he nervous?
- It might take a few short rides for him to get used to travel.
- Does he get motion sickness?
- Is he nervous?
- If you’re going on vacation, plan ahead…make reservations at pet friendly motels.
- Prepare your dog for travel by making sure immunizations are current and she has proper identification.
Make sure your dog is restrained during travel. Too many people travel with dogs on their lap, in the front seat or roaming freely throughout the car. This is not only distracting but dangerous. Some ideas are:
- Harnesses that attach to seat belts
- Barriers that keep the dog in the back seat or cargo area
- Dog crates
- Tie your pup to a tie down in an open truck bed
- Never let your dog travel with her head out the window, flying objects can cause injury.
- Your dog should never be left alone in your car, especially on hot days. Park in shady areas.
- If your dog has a tendency towards car sickness, traveling on an empty stomach might help. Feed him about 3-4 hours before you leave, and never feed while the car is traveling.
- Always put on a leash before allowing your dog to leave the vehicle, in the excitement of it all, he might bolt and you could become separated or there might be an accident.
- While on road trips be sure to stop for potty breaks and a little exercise.
Packing for your dog:
It goes without saying, but I’m going to say it again…bring plenty of water to keep your dog hydrated.
- Pack a travel bag with:
- Your dog’s immunization records
- A current picture of your dog in case you become separated
- Supplies to “clean” up after a potty break
- Plenty of the food your dog is accustomed to eating
- Bowls for food and water
- Something from home…a favorite toy, blanket or pillow
- Towels to dry off after a swim
- Any medications your dog might be using along with some first aid supplies
- Favorite treats
- Cleaning supplies in case of motion sickness
With a little bit of planning and preparation, everyone will have a great trip!
If it’s not possible to take your dog with you…Give us a Call!
BowWow Fun Towne is a dog daycare that takes the health and well-being of your dog seriously. We provide all types of exercise from playing with friends to swimming. We are experts at what we do and are dedicated to assisting you and providing the best care for your dog while you’re away.
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