Dog Swimming Benefit

How Does Swimming Benefit Your Dog?

DogsLoveSwimming-BowWowFunTowneMost dogs love the water. They love playing in it, lounging in it, drinking it and swimming in it…they can’t wait to get in it. And it’s a good thing, because swimming is one of the best activities you can have your pup participate in, there are so many benefits….

  • it’s good for their joints
  • strengthens their heart and lungs
  • it provides mental stimulation
  • it builds their muscles
  • improves circulation and metabolism
  • relieves stress
  • improves sleep
  • keeps them fit
  • it’s a great way to cool down
  • they have so much fun!

Swimming is more than exercise…

SwimmingExercise-BowWSowFunTowneSwimming is known to be one of the best overall exercises for your dog because it uses every major muscle in their body. In fact, just 1 minute of swimming equals about 4 minutes of running, and it’s easier on the body and it’s a lot more fun!

Another valuable benefit from swimming is that it can be a therapeutic, low-impact exercise for a dog who is recovering from an injury or surgery. It can provide a faster, safer way to strengthen a healing dog, reduce pain and decrease inflammation.  It’s also a safe way for an aging dog, with physical limitations, to continue to get exercise.

Enjoy this video of some of our furry friends enjoying the full-size pool at BowWow Fun Towne…

(if it gets a little blurry, it’s because we get splashed on a lot!)


Do you need to teach your dog to swim?

While there are those who are natural swimmers, some are younger or a little hesitant. For them, we offer swim lessons. It doesn’t take long before they are splashing and having a wonderful time, such as these pups…


BowWow Fun Towne offers puppy socializing, in home training, and boarding options

We are experts in dog day care, we care about your dogs and take their health and well-being seriously. Our facility features a full size swimming pool for fun and exercise.

Contact us today

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