Winter can be a fun time of year, but it also brings challenges for dog owners who want to continue walking their dogs and keep their pups safe and comfortable during walks.
Archive | Safety Tips
Safe Happy Christmas With Dog
Christmas is such a fun time of year… For dog owners, the holiday season means including their furry friends in the festivities. However…
Halloween Dog Safety
Once again it’s Halloween and it’s just as important to take safety measures with your dog at Halloween as it is with your kids.
Dog Park Safety
More and more people are using dog parks as places their dogs can have an off leash outing, where they can socialize with other dogs, and where they can just have fun and exercise.
Dog Agression vs Playing
Dogs love to wrestle, play tug, growl, and chase each other…it’s how they have fun, but that can also look a lot like what they do when they are angry…can you tell whether they are having fun or whether they are exhibiting aggression?
Dogs and Holidays
Many people like including their dogs during the holiday festivities…and although this is a fun idea, there are some things that could prove hazardous to your “best friend”. As you look around your home, be aware of