How Can You Protect Your Dog From Fireworks?
It’s that time of year again…BOOM!
Most everyone looks forward to celebrating the 4th of July with flags, bar-b-ques, picnics in the park, afternoons at the beach and fireworks! Most everyone that is except your dog…I can almost guarantee your dog won’t have as much fun as you. Sure, they like the park, the beach and the activities, but the fireworks…not so much!
If there is one thing that can send your dog into a panic, it’s the constant banging of firecrackers (legal or not), and the thunderous booms from aerial firework displays. These stressful, frightening sounds can cause your pup to:
Hide in fear
- Shake and tremble
- Howl or bark uncontrollably
- Stop eating
- Have diarrhea or lose control of their bladder
Even worse, the 4th of July is a prime time for animals to bolt from their yard or home, get in an accident or get lost. No one wants to put their dog through any or all of that experience.
Preparing Your Dog for the 4th of July
You may not be able to totally protect your dog from the noise of the festivities, but you can reduce a lot of stress by following these tips:
- If you are going to be home, know what time the fireworks will be starting so you can have your dog safely situated. (You can safely count on the bangs and booms going off most of the day)
- If you are going to the park or somewhere else, the safest thing is to prepare Fido before you leave, and leave him/her at home in a safe place. Although it’s preferable to leave them at home, if for some reason it’s not possible, be sure they are on a leash or in a pet carrier, and well-secured.
- Your home should be a safe haven for you pup, prepare it by:
- Having a few lights on
- Have soothing music playing or even have the TV on.
- Prepare an “inside” room for your dog, with comfortable bedding, plenty of water, food and some of his favorite toys.
- Never have your dog around while doing your own yard displays.
Additional Safety Precautions
Be certain that your dog is properly ID’d. In the event they “escape”, this may be the only way you will be able to be reunited.
- Collars and dog tags can come off and get lost, 2 more dependable ways to ID your dog are microchips or tattoos.
- A great product called “Thunder Shirts” may be worn to help reduce stress. Thundershirts is an anxiety wrap for dogs…it provides constant gentle pressure which produces a calming effect. They are designed with your pup in mind, and are simple safe and effective.
- Glow sticks have become very popular with the kids, they love to wear them, and twirl them, some kids even like to break them open and put the liquid on their skin which makes “glow designs”. Keep them away from your dog, the chemicals are dangerous to your dog’s health as is the plastic if they chew on it.
- If these suggestion don’t work for your dog, you may want to consider asking your veterinarian about using a mild sedative.
- If you live in a neighborhood where private displays have been held, before your dog goes outside, make sure there is no firework debris left laying around that he feels he needs to see how it tastes. .
Have a great 4th of July, and make sure your dog does too!
At BowWow Fun Towne, dogs are our business, and our friends, and we understand how important your dog is to you.
We are experts in dog day care – We are starting a Puppy Preschool…it will be great to enroll your pup! Our facility features a full size swimming pool for fun and exercise.
We take your dog’s safety seriously and are dedicated to assisting you and providing the best care for your dog while you’re away.
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