How To Keep Your Dog Safe During The Holidays
This is an article that I like to post every Christmas season, as a refresher on how to keep your furry friends safe during the holidays…we hope you enjoy this festive time of year!
First it was Halloween, then Thanksgiving…and now Christmas and New Years are just around the corner…it’s time for those ever so important reminders for keeping your dog safe during this upcoming holiday season.
Many people like to include their dogs during their holiday festivities…and although this is a fun idea, there are many things that could prove dangerous to your “best friend” if you’re not aware of them.
Look around your home during the holidays…
Be aware of the extra decorations and treats that are everywhere during the holiday season. Things that are fine and safe for you, aren’t necessarily fine and safe for your dog.
One dog we know of was able to get the family’s advent calendar down and ripped it apart, eating all the candy inside, destroying all of the other little treasures…luckily none of them were poisonous to him (this time). A good holiday for your dog is a safe holiday!
Another dog we know of, really upset the kids in the family when, because they had left it within his reach, Fido ate their pride and joy, the gingerbread house they had just created.
And yet another pooch discovered a large package of small chocolate candy bars intended for the kids’ Christmas stockings. Although it was set up on a counter, he found a way to get to it, and ate all the candy bars. Not only is this frustrating, but since it was chocolate, it was dangerous for the dog to ingest.
Are these stories the dog’s fault? Of course not! They were just enjoying an unexpected “opportunity.” It can be a challenge, but when you have a dog, or other pets in your home, it’s important to remember to keep those “opportunities” totally out of reach. It’s your responsibility to ensure your pup’s safety.
Keeping your furry friends safe:
While protecting your Christmas tree from your dog (or your cat), you need to also protect your dog from your tree.
- Make sure the tree is secure and won’t fall or get knocked over.
- The water in your tree, though it may be inviting to your dog, isn’t good for them to drink, it may contain fertilizers and bacteria, so somehow make it inaccessible to Fido.
- Keep electrical cords tucked away to prevent electric shock.
- I’ve known dogs who like to chew on electrical cords.
- Broken ornaments can cut mouths and throats, so if you have breakable glass ornaments, you might consider placing them higher on the tree.
- A favorite on Christmas trees is tinsel, but if your pup eats it, it could get stuck in his throat or even in his digestive tract.
- Burning candles left unattended is a “sure-fire” way to increase the risk of having them knocked over by wagging tails…causing damage and injury.
- A few years ago, in 2018, a man and his dog were living in a space in a warehouse…one night the man left, leaving his dog alone, along with a candle burning. That night disaster happened. The fire department thinks the candle got knocked over, probably by the dog…it burnt down the entire warehouse full of expensive motorcycle parts and sadly took the dog’s life.
- If eaten, mistletoe, poinsettias and holly are dangerous to your pet, they can cause vomiting, nausea or diarrhea, and even more extreme, cardiovascular problems. Even Christmas tree needles can cause an upset stomach, not to mention that the pine needles are sharp and can cause damage and pain going down.
- When it comes to food:
- Chocolate should never be eaten by your dog; chocolate is toxic to him/her and sometimes fatal. Also toxic are raisins, xylitol, and nuts.
- Be careful of your pet’s holiday feast, if you do indulge them in “human” food, be sure that it is not high in fat, sodium or sugar, and definitely make sure it’s boneless. There are some good tips for holiday feasts in our Thanksgiving article.
- Be vigilant in protecting your dog from turkey bones.
- Let your guests know that you don’t feed Fido from the table or give him people treats…have a bowl of doggy safe treats available that can be offered to your pup.
Never, never, never give alcoholic beverages to your pet. Although some people may think it’s comical, it’s toxic for your dog.
- Choosing a gift for your dog’s stocking is fun, just make sure you choose one that’s safe, and specifically designed for dogs.
- Keep a watchful eye…With visitors coming and going, doors frequently opening, potential hazards abound.. So it’s crucial to keep a watchful eye on your pet. A moment of distraction could lead to an escape or an accidental ingestion of something harmful. Consider using a leash or a baby gate to prevent accidental escapes.
- New Years Eve is fun for you, but not for your dog…just like on the 4th of July, the noise frightens them and hurts their ears. Provide a quiet, safe space where they can retreat if the festivities become too much. This retreat will allow your pet to relax and feel secure when they need a break from the excitement.
Safe Celebrations are Happy Celebrations
Holiday celebrations are really enjoyed more by people than pets…they really won’t care if you don’t involve them. But if you choose to include them in your celebrations, watch out for their safety.
If you’re traveling for the holidays, call now to reserve a friendly place for your dog to stay…reservations fill up fast.
At BowWow Fun Towne, dogs are our business, and our friends, and we understand how important your dog is to you.
BowWow Fun Towne offers puppy socializing, in home training, and boarding options
We are experts in dog day care, we care about your dogs and take their health and well-being seriously. Our facility features a full size swimming pool for fun and exercise.
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