Puppy Play Date

All Things Puppy

Puppy Preschool starting M-F

  • Who: 8 weeks to 24 weeks
  • Why do puppy preschool
    • socialize and interact with age appropriate dogs
    • ability to read and understand dogs body language from other puppies and adult dogs
    • introduction to novel items
    • sounds – city, household, fireworks, classical, construction, nature
    • socialize to all types of peoples
    • interact with well adjusted adult dogs
    • walk on different types of flooring, stairs and obstacles
    • daily handling
    • cooperative care
  • Training
    • foundations skills – targeting, attention
    • cues – sit, down, recall, leave it
  • Field trips – grooming area, pool area, some loose walking around “towne”, “vet” trips
  • Crate training
  • Potty training
  • Feeding – all meals be provided in puzzles, food dispensing toys, snuffle mats to encourage foraging and mental stimulation

Some videos that our preschool puppers made (click on the title to view full screen)

cost: $60 per day

Submit all documents to bwftrecords@gmail.com
Requirements: current shot records, fecal test that is negative and application

Articles to read
Sophie Yin view on Puppy socialization
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior – Position on early puppy socialization position statement
American Veterinary Medical Association – Behavior society supports early puppy socialization

Puppy Social Hour – Temporarily Not Providing This Service

Please bring your puppy to our Puppy Social Party. Every Sundays from 11am to 12pm, we let our puppies loose and mingle with other little puppies that are 8 weeks up to 6 months. Our puppy party is 75% play time and 25% education. These puppy play party is monitored by Mary or one of her staff.

As you’ll see in our videos, we have a lot of fun…

click on the title to view in full screen…


Tips to Socialize your puppy

  • Well Socialized Puppies Become Well Adjusted Adult Dogs
  • Expose your puppy to new situations, things, people and other animals
  • Let them meet people – babies, small children and people in uniforms
  • Walk your puppy everywhere – Burke Gilman Trail, farmers market and street fairs
  • Desensitized them to household noises – vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, dryer and hand held tools
  • Expose them to bikes, scooters, skateboards, cars and other fast moving objects
  • Take advantage of every opportunity to teach your puppy using obedience
  • Handle your puppy daily from the family member and your friends

Cost $20

Submit all documents to bwftrecords@gmail.com
Requirements: current shot records, fecal test that is negative and application
Please bring
Poop bags