Doggie DayCare

Dog Day Care

BowWow Fun Towne—we are the experts in dog day care, offering you the best of care for your tail-wagging family members.

Our facility is a completely cageless environment. We have nearly 4,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor fun. The indoor area is covered with epoxy floor. Our outdoor area is securely fenced and entire outdoor surface is covered K9 grass.

Our staff is with your dog all day, we supervise group play to make sure they are not only having a great time but that they are safe. BowWow Fun Towne is where your dog can play or rest as they choose.

Click on the title of the video to view in full screen.

Click for more information about Puppy Preschool…what our preschool puppies learn!


Benefits of Dog Day Care

Dogs that do best in day care are dogs that enjoy other dogs and not afraid of making new dog friends. It’s great for puppies – they will burn off those excess energy, socialize and learn some dog manners. The social butterflies dogs – what better place to be when you get to play with dogs all day. And of course our Seniors dog who need a little extra attention will be watched under supervision. We’ve also been very successful helping dogs with separation anxiety gain confidence and become more outgoing and secure.

Dog day care is a perfect option for people who work but don’t want to leave their 4 legged family member alone all day. Drop off your dog and go to work. They will play all day and occasionally will take a moment to rest. When you pick up a happy, tail-waggin’ dog they will want to tell you about their fun adventure here at BowWow Fun Towne.

A Day at BowWow Fun Towne

  • Plenty of supervised play and exercise with doggie pals
  • Lots of petting, brushing and belly rubs (and some dog kisses!)
  • Mid-day nap
  • Reinforcement of basic commands and plenty of rewards with praise & cookies
  • Swimming for those who need to learn or JUST LOVE TO SWIM
  • If asked we will serve lunch and, if necessary, we will administer oral medications (no additional charge, however owner must supply food and medications)


We believe that all dogs have the right to be in a SAFE and HEALTHY environment. To ensure this, we require the following:

  • All dogs must be 2 months of age or older
  • All female dogs MUST be spayed by 6 months and male dogs be neutered by 9 months
  • All dogs must have written proof of their current vaccinations: RABIES, DHLPP, and BORDETELLA (kennel cough)
  • All dogs must be on a flea preventative program
  • All dogs must have a negative fecal result with 30 days before their first day of day care or boarding and annually
  • All dogs must go through an evaluation meeting at least 24 hours prior to starting daycare (call to schedule your temperament testing)
  • All dogs must be in good health. If your dog has been vomiting, coughing, gagging, sneezing or has diarrhea; PLEASE DO NOT send them to day care. Just like children, if one gets sick, they all get sick.
Submit all documents to
Requirements: current shot records, fecal test that is negative within past 30 days and application